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100% real swingers... 100% real hardcore soccer moms getting fucked in every hole inside
Tracy & Double Dee here ready to show you our completely revamped site, Watch Our Wives! Still your favorite naughty place to play online, completely new look! Yes, we still have the member's bar meets and member's blowjob of the month contest, don't you worry about that! But anyway, check out the new site and let us hear from ya! Tell us what you think!
There are so many wives who are mothers, sisters, doctors, lawyers... some of the most mainstream walks of life. You'd never imagine in a million years that on Saturday right, on a fucking spree!!
There are so many wives who are mothers, sisters, doctors, lawyers... some of the most mainstream walks of life. You'd never imagine in a million years that on Saturday right, on a fucking spree!!
That’s right, we are the real deal. We’re more of what you’d call a "swinger lifestyle hub" rather than just some plain old porn site. There are a million of those out there, and we aren’t trying to compete in that pool lol. We are real swingers who love to show off our amazing, XXX adventures to other like-minded people. If that includes you, well then WELCOME!! I will tell you if you’re on the fence, this site is NOT for the faint of heart or for people who have sexual hang-ups. From full on interracial gangbangs and creampies to wife swap sex and more...there are no boundaries inside other than the ones we set for ourselves (and those are few and far between lol!) So, if you’re sure you are ready for more, simply click the link below and we can move forward. Hope to see ya inside!!
True Member Interaction Means That Now YOU Can Be PART Of The ACTION! Click Here To Learn More>>
Ellie is such a beautiful housewife. Her soft eyes will almost pierce your very soul. Not surprisingly, she's a member's favorite, both on the web and in person. In this movie, she gets a mouthful and partial facial. POV style filming on this FULL LENGTH housewives video inside the site. Don't miss it!!
The videos inside are all full length and completely exclusive. Literally hundreds of hours of amateur housewifes fucking and sucking in swingers parties is one click away from you. What are you waiting for? We are all inside right now, ready to meet up with some fresh, fuckable new faces! Once you've seen these wives, you'll never be the same! Check out some of the other wifes inside, then CLICK HERE for instant access to our entire hardcore movies archive. You'll be glad you did!
"Definitely one of the crazyiest sites I've seen online yet. I mean, they fuck their members? How nutsis that? I mean, it's all safe sex, so I don't mean it's dangerous, but where do you get interaction like that with a porn site? No where. That's where. I've been a member 4 years and I hope the site continues to grow!"
-Andy M. 27 Flint, MI
Gabby is a fun lady to hang out with. She's like that sexy soccer mom you always see at the store in the produce section and more than likely think, "I bet she's wild in bed"...well it's TRUE! haha...check out her preview and be sure you wifelovers can expect LOTS more of Gabby inside the member's area of WatchOurWives.
Swinging is something we all love so much and always welcome others to explore their swinger side if they get the chance. So, if you and your partner have been discussing it, contact us and let us help show you the way! The best way is to simply CLICK HERE for our main contact hub.
"Tracy is my favorite wife. She reminds me of my buddy's mom when I was growing up. I always wanted to fuck her and I think she wanted me too, but I was always too much of a chicken to push the issue. After seening Tracy's hot fucking body in action though, I really wish I had. Lol...who knows. Maybe I'll give her a call. :-)"
-Nicholas 32 Greenville, NC